Operation Christmas Child
Save the next Packing Party date of Saturday,
April 27, 2024
Hats, Gloves & Scarves

Feel free to drop off at the church office on
Tuesdays thru Thursdays between 9-11am
Did you know that each shoebox has a name? They are officially called GO Boxes, which stands for Gospel Opportunity Boxes. Each time a child receives a box, they are presented with the Gospel message. Just think, DCC sent out over 1000 Gospel Opportunities last year! And with that, can you believe we are down to mere days until National Collection Week for these little GO boxes? Seems like just yesterday it was January and Chris was telling us he wouldn't bother us with OCC information for a month or two! So let the countdown begin......
Collection Week Dates for 2024:
Monday, November 18, 4pm t0 7pm. We invite EVERYONE to come out for an opening prayer on this day.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (November 19, 20, 21, 22), 4pm-7pm.
Saturday, November 23, 10am-5pm
Sunday, November 24, Noon-5pm
Monday, November 25, 9am-11am. We invite EVERYONE to join us on this day, as we tend to be very busy loading the final trailers for Visalia.
You will hear it over and over and over again, THE most important "item" that goes into a shoebox is prayer. Please start praying now for our local volunteers, our drivers, our packers, our tally people and all of those packing boxes, as well as those getting ready to receive boxes.
If you are interested in serving at the Processing Center in Fullerton (starting November 26, 2024), please let Chris or Darlene know and
they can connect you with ways to volunteer.
If you have a truck and/or trailer.....we encourage you to think about volunteering your services during Collection Week. Last year we made almost daily trips to Visalia with shipping cartons.
And finally, if you are interesting in a unique opportunity to get a shoebox to countries that are a little more difficult to reach, consider building a shoebox on-line. Just follow this link: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/